Cleanscene Trauma

Cleanscene Trauma are an offshoot of Cleanscene Ltd for whom we originally did the website. We were approached by the business owner to say they were moving into a new area of business which encompassed extreme cleaning / trauma cleaning and that they would like the existing site amending to reflect this. After careful consideration and analysis of this industry sector, we advised the owner we thought a separate site was a better idea and that we believed we could obtain good search engine placement.

The Brief

Marie Fagan, the business owner was a fan of the show CSI, and we suggested a black and yellow color scheme which we felt was suitable given the subject matter and said we would try and encompass elements of the show into the final design. As she was relatively new to the industry sector it was left to us to identify suitable search terms that matched the business owners ability and training and code the site to target the industry specific phrases we felt would work well.

The Development

Overall, the website was given a CSI look and feel by selecting a nice font to use for page / section headings etc with a gradient effect but instead of "watering down" the effectiveness with heavy graphic usage we use a technique that downloads a font from the website when a visitor looks at the page and dynamically replaces the font in the browser when the page is viewed. In other words what looks like a "graphical heading" to a website visitor is actually nothing more than standard HTML that Google understands and is central to how a page is ranked i.e google reads headings and bases its results on the density of heading to the rest of the text on the page among other things.

We also stayed away from long pages and creating numerous pages with very little content in them, much preferring to use a sliding technique so users can read individual sections - we tied it all together with text links, graphical links and contextual links throughout the site. In effect you should never be more than 2 clicks away from absolutely any content in the whole site.

The Result

The final result of all this was that the site relies heavily on internal linking of pages to suitably optimised sections that specifically target certain keywords central to the business she carries out. We could list all the search terms the site ranks highly for but the list is almost endless, here is a sample of the position in Google at the time of writing.

Search Term Position in Google
extreme cleaning glasgow 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th in the natural search results in Google UK
extreme cleaning lanarkshire 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th in the natural search results in Google UK
crime scene cleaning glasgow 2nd & 3rd in the natural search results in Google UK
crime scene cleaning lanarkshire 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th in the natural search results in Google UK
needlestick cleanup glasgow 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th in the natural search results in Google UK
syringe cleanup glasgow 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th
blood cleanup glasgow 3rd, 4th, 5th and 8th with their other site
needlestick or needle stick pickup 1st place for whole of UK

The list goes on, almost every search term they have can be interchangeably used in Google UK, i.e blood cleanup, extreme cleaning, crime scene cleanup, void property cleanup etc etc we also have another website we developed from a competitor Extreme Scene Glasgow who ranks similarly well for a high number of terms.

On a national level the term "needlestick pickup" we have two websites in the first two places and "needle stick pickup" is 1st place for the entire google UK.

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